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esculpir en yeso

English translation of esculpir en yeso

sculpt in plaster

The Spanish phrase 'esculpir en yeso' translates to 'sculpt in plaster' in English. This refers to the process of creating a three-dimensional artwork by carving or shaping a plaster material. The plaster is first prepared and then shaped using various tools. Once the sculpture has been properly formed, it is left to dry and harden. This art form is utilized in various fields, including architecture, art and decorative designs, among others.

Example sentences using: esculpir en yeso

El artista quería esculpir en yeso un retrato de su madre.

English translation of El artista quería esculpir en yeso un retrato de su madre.

The artist wanted to carve a plaster portrait of his mother.

In this example, an artist is sculpting a portrait of his mother in plaster. Plaster is a common material artists use for sculptures and the act of carving or shaping it is conveyed by the verb 'esculpir'.

En la clase de arte, aprendimos cómo esculpir en yeso.

English translation of En la clase de arte, aprendimos cómo esculpir en yeso.

In art class, we learned how to carve in plaster.

This particular sentence refers to the experiences possibly gained in an art class setting where students are taught different kinds of arts and crafts methodologies including sculpting in plaster or 'esculpir en yeso'.

Para esculpir en yeso, primero necesitas preparar el yeso.

English translation of Para esculpir en yeso, primero necesitas preparar el yeso.

To carve in plaster, you first need to prepare the plaster.

This example explains that for someone to sculpt or 'esculpir en yeso', there is a need to prepare the plaster first, which signifies the necessity of the prep work before commencing the act of sculpting.

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