sculpt in plaster
The Spanish phrase 'esculpir en escayola' translates to 'sculpt in plaster' in English. This verb phrase refers to the artistic process of molding materials, specifically plaster, into desired shapes or forms. This is a technique often employed by artists and craftsmen like sculptors and architects. The action requires specialized tools and skills to manipulate the said material. In a sentence, it can be used as: 'El artista está esculpiendo una figura en escayola', which translates to 'The artist is sculpting a figure in plaster'.
I would like to learn how to sculpt in plaster.
In this phrase, 'esculpir en escayola' is used to express a desire or interest in learning how to carve or sculpt using plaster as a medium.
You can make beautiful figures if you know how to sculpt in plaster.
This phrase exemplifies the use of 'esculpir en escayola' to denote the skill of sculpting in plaster, revealing that this skill could result in the creation of beautiful figures or art pieces.
The artist was beginning to sculpt his next work in plaster.
In this context, 'esculpir en escayola' is used to describe the action of an artist beginning to create his or her next artwork using plaster as the sculpting material.