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English translation of escocer


The information you have is incorrect. 'Escocer' does not mean Scotch in English. It is a Spanish verb that typically translates to 'to sting', 'to smart', or 'to burn' in English. These translations point out the sensation one may feel on the skin when a wound or cut is irritated. However, it can also refer to emotional hurt. The word is used in various contexts, depending on the situation.

Example sentences using: escocer

La sal en la herida hace que escocer.

English translation of La sal en la herida hace que escocer.

The salt in the wound makes it sting.

This phrase is often used metaphorically to say something that aggravates a stressful or painful situation. 'Escocer' in this context is used to describe a literal or figurative stinging sensation.

Este detergente es demasiado fuerte y me hace escocer la piel.

English translation of Este detergente es demasiado fuerte y me hace escocer la piel.

This detergent is too strong and makes my skin sting.

The verb 'escocer' in this sentence is used to express the irritation or stinging feeling someone is experiencing on their skin as a reaction to a harsh detergent.

Si te lavas los ojos con agua fría, te dejará de escocer.

English translation of Si te lavas los ojos con agua fría, te dejará de escocer.

If you wash your eyes with cold water, they will stop stinging.

In this phrase 'escocer' is used to describe the stinging sensation one might feel in their eyes. The sentence provides a solution to alleviate this discomfort.

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