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English translation of escalar


The Spanish verb 'escalar' translates to 'scale' in English. It possesses various interpretations in different contexts but primarily is used to denote the act of climbing or ascending, particularly used in scenarios involving mountains or some type of vertical or steep terrain. Metaphorically, it can also represent the concept of gradually growing or increasing in terms of levels or rankings.

Example sentences using: escalar

Vamos a escalar la montaña este fin de semana.

English translation of Vamos a escalar la montaña este fin de semana.

We are going to climb the mountain this weekend.

In this sentence, 'escalar' refers to the physical activity of climbing, particularly a natural formation like a mountain.

Es difícil escalar la escalera corporativa.

English translation of Es difícil escalar la escalera corporativa.

It's difficult to climb the corporate ladder.

Here, 'escalar' is used metaphorically to represent advancing through the ranks in a business or other organization. The 'corporate ladder' refers to the hierarchy within a corporation.

Los alpinistas deben escalar con precaución.

English translation of Los alpinistas deben escalar con precaución.

Mountain climbers must climb with caution.

This sentence uses 'escalar' to refer to alpinism which is an extreme form of climbing, where athletes take on high mountains. The added context emphasizes the need for safety and caution in this dangerous sport.

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