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escalada (en roca)

English translation of escalada (en roca)

to (rock) climb

The Spanish term 'escalada (en roca)' translates to '(rock) climb' in English. This can be understood as the activity of climbing up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a designated route. Rock climbing is not just a physical challenge but also a mental one, as it often involves problem-solving and strategic thinking.

Example sentences using: escalada (en roca)

Me encanta la escalada en roca porque es un deporte desafiante.

English translation of Me encanta la escalada en roca porque es un deporte desafiante.

I love rock climbing because it is a challenging sport.

In this phrase, the speaker expresses affection for rock climbing, noting it as a personally challenging activity, hence making use of the term in an appreciation statement.

La escalada en roca requiere habilidad y fuerza fisica.

English translation of La escalada en roca requiere habilidad y fuerza fisica.

Rock climbing requires skill and physical strength.

This phrase uses the term to point to the physical demands of rock climbing, highlighting the necessary attributes for the activity.

Vamos a practicar escalada en roca este fin de semana en el parque nacional.

English translation of Vamos a practicar escalada en roca este fin de semana en el parque nacional.

We are going to practice rock climbing this weekend in the national park.

This sentence uses the term in planning for a future event, suggesting a group activity involving rock climbing set in a specific location.

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