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English translation of equipamiento


The Spanish term 'equipamiento' translates to 'equipment' in English. This term refers to the necessary items for a particular purpose. For example, the 'equipamiento' needed for a kitchen might include an oven, a stove, and a refrigerator. It can also be used in the context of a professional environment. For instance, the 'equipamiento' needed for a doctor's office might include medical instruments, diagnostic machines, and office furniture.

Example sentences using: equipamiento

El equipo de gimnasia no tenía el equipamiento adecuado.

English translation of El equipo de gimnasia no tenía el equipamiento adecuado.

The gymnastics team did not have the appropriate equipment.

The phrase talks about a gymnastics team that did not have the right equipment for their practice or activity. In this sentence, 'equipamiento' is used to denote all necessary tools or devices.

Este equipamiento es esencial para la seguridad de los trabajadores.

English translation of Este equipamiento es esencial para la seguridad de los trabajadores.

This equipment is essential for the safety of the workers.

This sentence expresses the importance of proper 'equipamiento' or safety tools for workers, perhaps on a construction site or in a factory, where safety gear is mandatory to ensure the worker's life.

La falta de equipamiento moderno en el hospital es preocupante.

English translation of La falta de equipamiento moderno en el hospital es preocupante.

The lack of modern equipment in the hospital is worrying.

The sentence highlights a concern over outdated 'equipamiento' in a hospital, mostly medical devices. People usually expect hospitals to have the latest equipment to provide the best patient care.

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