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English translation of enviar


The word 'enviar' in Spanish translates to 'send' in English. It is primarily used to indicate the act of sending something from one place to another or to someone either physically or through a medium. It can be used in various contexts; for instance, in emails (Enviar un correo electronico), letters (Enviar una carta), or packages (Enviar un paquete). It is generally followed by 'a' (to) and then the receiver or destination.

Example sentences using: enviar

Envía mi saludo a tu hermano

English translation of Envía mi saludo a tu hermano

Send my greeting to your brother

Here, the imperative form of 'enviar' is used to give a direct command or request to the other person.

Necesito enviar esto por correo

English translation of Necesito enviar esto por correo

I need to send this by mail

In this sentence, the verb 'enviar' is used to describe the action of mailing something. The word 'esto' is a direct object pronoun that refers to the item being sent.

Quiero enviar una carta a mi abuela

English translation of Quiero enviar una carta a mi abuela

I want to send a letter to my grandmother

The phrase uses the word 'enviar' to express the intention of sending a letter to someone. The receiver of the letter is 'mi abuela' (my grandmother).

Vamos a enviar los documentos mañana

English translation of Vamos a enviar los documentos mañana

We will send the documents tomorrow

Here, 'enviar' is used in a future tense form to express the action of sending documents at a future time, specifically tomorrow.

Debes enviar un mensaje a tus padres

English translation of Debes enviar un mensaje a tus padres

You should send a message to your parents

In this phrase, 'enviar' advises someone to send a message to their parents. The subject is 'tus padres' (your parents).

Nos olvidamos de enviar la invitación

English translation of Nos olvidamos de enviar la invitación

We forgot to send the invitation

Here, 'enviar' is used in its infinitive form after the preposition 'de' to express the action that was forgotten, which is sending the invitation.

Estoy enviando un regalo a mi amigo

English translation of Estoy enviando un regalo a mi amigo

I'm sending a gift to my friend

The phrase uses the progressive form of 'enviar' to describe an action that is currently happening, which is sending a gift to a friend.

Me pidieron que enviara el paquete

English translation of Me pidieron que enviara el paquete

They asked me to send the package

In this example, the past subjunctive form of 'enviar' is used after the conjunction 'que' to express the action that someone requested.

Nunca dejaremos de enviarle cartas

English translation of Nunca dejaremos de enviarle cartas

We will never stop sending her letters

This example uses 'enviar' with a reflexive pronoun 'le' to show that the action of sending is directed at her.

Estás enviando demasiados mensajes

English translation of Estás enviando demasiados mensajes

You are sending too many messages

The verb 'enviar' is used in its present progressive form to describe an action that is currently happening excessively.

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