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English translation of entonado


'Entonado' is a Spanish word that, when translated to English, can be represented by the term 'intoned'. The act of 'intoning' refers to the practice of uttering something in a specific tone or modulation of voice. 'Entonado' in music refers to the act of tuning or being in tune. It can also describe a person who is slightly under the influence of alcohol.

Example sentences using: entonado

El himno fue entonado por toda la multitud.

English translation of El himno fue entonado por toda la multitud.

The anthem was sung by the whole crowd.

The phrase is talking about a large group of people collectively singing the national anthem in a unison, thus the term 'entonado' which means 'sung' is used.

Él siempre ha entonado bien las canciones.

English translation of Él siempre ha entonado bien las canciones.

He always sings the songs well.

The phrase is referring to a person who always does a good job singing songs. In this context, 'entonado' has the meaning of sing, done in a proper or correct way.

El coro entonó la melodía religiosa.

English translation of El coro entonó la melodía religiosa.

The choir sang the religious melody.

This usage details a choir performing a religious song or hymn. The term 'entonado' in this context refers to the act of singing by the choir.

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