The Spanish word 'entendimiento' translates to 'understanding' in English. This term can be used in various contexts, such as 'I have an understanding of Spanish,' which would be 'Tengo entendimiento de Español' in Spanish. It can also be used to express comprehension of a specific topic or concept. It's an important word to know to improve communication skills in Spanish.
Mutual understanding is key to any successful relationship.
This sentence conveys the importance of 'understanding' each other in a relationship, which makes it 'successful'. The word 'entendimiento' is used to imply comprehension or assimilation of ideas or sentiments by both parties in the relationship.
My understanding of the topic is limited.
In this instance, 'entendimiento' refers to one's personal comprehension or grasp about a certain 'topic'. If it is 'limited', it implies that the person does not have exhaustive knowledge or insight about it.
The book is written to promote understanding and peace.
The word 'entendimiento' in this sentence is used to signify the purpose of the 'book', which is to 'promote' an awareness or comprehension that will hopefully lead to 'peace'. The book aims to impart knowledge or wisdom that can resolve conflicts and restore harmony.