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English translation of enseñar

to teach

Enseñar means to impart knowledge or skills to others. In the context of studying, enseñar often takes place in a classroom setting but can also involve self-teaching or peer-teaching.

Example sentences using: enseñar

Ana quiere enseñar matemáticas.

English translation of Ana quiere enseñar matemáticas.

Ana wants to teach maths.

This phrase expresses Ana's desire to teach math to others. 'quiere' is a form of 'querer', which means 'to want'.

En la escuela, ellos enseñan ciencias.

English translation of En la escuela, ellos enseñan ciencias.

At school, they teach science.

This phrase shows the use of 'enseñar' in a third-person plural context, conveying what is being taught at school.

¿Puedes enseñar inglés?

English translation of ¿Puedes enseñar inglés?

Can you teach English?

This question invites the addressee to share whether they have the capability of teaching English ('puedes' indicates 'can you').

Mi madre me enseñó a cocinar.

English translation of Mi madre me enseñó a cocinar.

My mother taught me to cook.

This phrase is in the past tense, indicating that the speaker learned how to cook from their mother in the past.

Estoy enseñando a mi perro a sentarse.

English translation of Estoy enseñando a mi perro a sentarse.

I am teaching my dog to sit.

This phrase uses 'enseñar' in a continuous or progressive tense, suggesting an ongoing action.

El profesor enseña muy bien.

English translation of El profesor enseña muy bien.

The teacher teaches very well.

This phrase applies 'enseñar' to comment on the quality of a teacher's instruction.

Quiero enseñarte una canción en español.

English translation of Quiero enseñarte una canción en español.

I want to teach you a song in Spanish.

The phrase uses 'enseñar' to express the speaker's desire to pass on knowledge of a Spanish song to the listener.

Van a enseñarme a conducir.

English translation of Van a enseñarme a conducir.

They are going to teach me to drive.

In this phrase, the recipient of the teaching ('me') is the focus, not the teacher, indicating that the speaker will learn how to drive.

Voy a enseñar español a mis amigos.

English translation of Voy a enseñar español a mis amigos.

I am going to teach Spanish to my friends.

This sentence demonstrates an intent to teach the Spanish language to one's friends, implying a future action.

Ella va a enseñar a los niños a nadar.

English translation of Ella va a enseñar a los niños a nadar.

She is going to teach the children to swim.

The phrase uses future tense to describe an upcoming action, where 'ella' (she) will teach children how to swim.

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