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enredarse el pelo

English translation of enredarse el pelo

tangle your hair

The Spanish phrase 'enredarse el pelo' translates to 'tangle your hair' in English. It's used to describe the action of hair becoming twisted or knotted, typically resulting from not properly combing or taking care of it. It can be used in a range of contexts, including statements and instructions.

Example sentences using: enredarse el pelo

Cada vez que voy a la playa, termino con enredarse el pelo.

English translation of Cada vez que voy a la playa, termino con enredarse el pelo.

Every time I go to the beach, I end up with tangled hair.

In this context, 'enredarse el pelo' means having tangled hair. Going to the beach often causes hair to become tangled due to the wind and sea water.

Despertó muy temprano, pero tuvo que pasar más tiempo en los preparativos porque se le había enredado el pelo.

English translation of Despertó muy temprano, pero tuvo que pasar más tiempo en los preparativos porque se le había enredado el pelo.

She woke up very early, but she had to spend more time getting ready because her hair was tangled.

Here, 'enredarse el pelo' is used to explain a situation where one's hair becomes tangled, possibly while sleeping, creating an inconvenience during the morning grooming routine.

La niña lloraba porque no podía peinar su muñeca; se le había enredado el pelo.

English translation of La niña lloraba porque no podía peinar su muñeca; se le había enredado el pelo.

The little girl was crying because she couldn't comb her doll's hair; it was tangled.

In this sentence, 'enredarse el pelo' refers to the doll's hair being tangled, making it difficult for the little girl to comb it.

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