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English translation of enorme


The Spanish word 'enorme' is used to describe something that is very large in size, amount, or degree. It is used similarly to the English word 'huge'. For example, 'Ese edificio es enorme' translates to 'That building is huge'. It can be applied to physical objects, abstract concepts, and even metaphorical expressions.

Example sentences using: enorme

Este árbol es enorme.

English translation of Este árbol es enorme.

This tree is huge.

This example demonstrates the adjective 'enorme' in singular form, used to describe a singular masculine noun 'árbol'. Adjectives in Spanish usually agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify.

Tú comes una manzana enorme.

English translation of Tú comes una manzana enorme.

You are eating a huge apple.

This sentence is showing the use of 'enorme' to describe the noun 'manzana', which is feminine singular. It also demonstrates the verb 'comes' in present tense for 'you'.

Es un problema enorme.

English translation of Es un problema enorme.

It's a huge problem.

In this example, 'enorme' describes a problematic situation, using the masculine singular noun 'problema'.

Esa casa es enormemente grande.

English translation of Esa casa es enormemente grande.

That house is enormously big.

Here we see 'enormemente', the adverb form of 'enorme', used to emphasize the adjective 'grande'. Spanish adverbs are typically formed by adding '-mente' to the feminine form of an adjective.

Hay una cantidad enorme de gente en la fiesta.

English translation of Hay una cantidad enorme de gente en la fiesta.

There's a huge amount of people at the party.

This sentence demonstrates how 'enorme' can be used to describe an abstract idea, such as 'cantidad', which means amount or quantity.

Tienes un enorme futuro por delante.

English translation of Tienes un enorme futuro por delante.

You have a huge future ahead.

This sentence showcases how 'enorme' can be used metaphorically to communicate the concept of vast potential or opportunity.

Este es un cambio enorme.

English translation of Este es un cambio enorme.

This is a huge change.

This example demonstrates the usage of 'enorme' to underscore the significant impact of a 'change' or 'cambio', which is a masculine singular noun in Spanish.

Este libro es enormemente interesante.

English translation of Este libro es enormemente interesante.

This book is enormously interesting.

The adverb 'enormemente' is used in this sentence to emphasize the adjective 'interesante'. This shows how Spanish uses '-mente' endings to turn adjectives into adverbs.

Los elefantes son enormes.

English translation of Los elefantes son enormes.

Elephants are huge.

In this example, 'enormes' is used to describe a plural noun 'elefantes'. Showing that adjectives in Spanish need to match the gender and number of the noun.

Ella tiene un corazón enorme.

English translation of Ella tiene un corazón enorme.

She has a huge heart.

This sentence uses 'enorme' metaphorically to describe someone with great kindness. The noun 'corazón' is masculine singular, so 'enorme' does not change its gender or number.

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