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enjuagarse la boca

English translation of enjuagarse la boca

rinse your mouth

The Spanish phrase 'enjuagarse la boca' is often used in the context of personal hygiene, especially when talking about dental care. It translates to 'rinse your mouth' in English. The action it refers to involves using water or some other liquid to clean your mouth, often after eating, brushing your teeth, or visiting a dentist. Practicing this regularly can help maintain good oral health, reduce the risk of tooth decay, and refresh your breath.

Example sentences using: enjuagarse la boca

Antes de dormir, es importante enjuagarse la boca para mantener una buena higiene dental.

English translation of Antes de dormir, es importante enjuagarse la boca para mantener una buena higiene dental.

Before going to sleep, it is important to rinse your mouth to maintain good dental hygiene.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of oral hygiene specifically before go to sleep, using the verb phrase 'enjuagarse la boca' to underline the recommended action.

Después de comer, puedes enjuagarse la boca para eliminar los restos de comida.

English translation of Después de comer, puedes enjuagarse la boca para eliminar los restos de comida.

After eating, you can rinse your mouth to remove leftover food.

This sentence points to a common practice of mouth rinsing after eating to get rid of any remaining food particles, utilizing the verb phrase 'enjuagarse la boca' to specify the action.

Si bebes una bebida ácida, debes enjuagarse la boca para proteger tus dientes.

English translation of Si bebes una bebida ácida, debes enjuagarse la boca para proteger tus dientes.

If you drink an acidic beverage, you should rinse your mouth to protect your teeth.

This sentence advises on the need to rinse one's mouth after drinking acidic beverages as a precautionary measure for teeth protection, employing 'enjuagarse la boca' to depict the recommended reaction.

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