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enfermedad grave

English translation of enfermedad grave

serious illness

The term 'enfermedad grave' in Spanish translates to 'serious illness' in English. This refers to a health condition that is severe in nature and can impact an individual's everyday life significantly. It often requires more complex and immediate medical attention. Examples of serious illnesses include cancer, heart disease, or any other life-threatening ailment.

Example sentences using: enfermedad grave

Mi tío está lidiando con una enfermedad grave.

English translation of Mi tío está lidiando con una enfermedad grave.

My uncle is dealing with a serious illness.

This sentence explains that the speaker's uncle is currently facing a major health issue. The term 'enfermedad grave' is used here to emphasize the severity of the illness.

La enfermedad grave puede resultar en hospitalización.

English translation of La enfermedad grave puede resultar en hospitalización.

Serious illness might result in hospitalization.

In this sentence, 'enfermedad grave' is used to convey that the consequence of a severe illness could be significant enough to require hospitalization.

La depresión es considerada una enfermedad grave.

English translation of La depresión es considerada una enfermedad grave.

Depression is considered a serious illness.

This sentence suggests that 'enfermedad grave' does not restrict to physical health issues. It can also refer to mental health conditions like depression, which are serious and require attention.

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