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energía eólica

English translation of energía eólica

wind energy

Energía eólica is a Spanish term that translates to 'wind energy' in English. This term is used to describe energy that is generated from the wind, a renewable and clean source of power. The mechanics of this process usually involve large turbines or windmills that are placed in areas with high wind activity. As the wind blows, it moves the blades of these turbines, enabling the generation of electricity.

Example sentences using: energía eólica

La energía eólica es una fuente de energía renovable.

English translation of La energía eólica es una fuente de energía renovable.

Wind energy is a renewable energy source.

This phrase highlights wind energy as a resource that can be naturally replenished, reflecting the sustained interest and investment towards more sustainable, or 'renewable', forms of energy production.

El parque utiliza energía eólica para generar electricidad.

English translation of El parque utiliza energía eólica para generar electricidad.

The park uses wind energy to generate electricity.

This example shows how a particular location (in this case, a 'park') might utilize wind energy as a means of generating its own electricity, perhaps through wind turbines or other specialized equipment.

Es impresionante ver cómo la energía eólica puede mover un molino de viento.

English translation of Es impresionante ver cómo la energía eólica puede mover un molino de viento.

It's impressive to see how wind energy can move a windmill.

This sentence describes the practical application of wind energy, particularly its capacity to power traditional structures like windmills. By noting the 'impressive' nature of this capability, the speaker emphasizes the power and potential of wind as a clean energy source.

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