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energía eléctrica

English translation of energía eléctrica

Electric power

The Spanish term, 'energía eléctrica', translates to 'electric power' in English. Electric power is a form of energy that involves the flow of electric current from one point to another, which can be harnessed to do work, such as powering machines, devices, or home appliances. Thus, when referring to 'energía eléctrica' in a Spanish context, one could be discussing topics related to electricity supply, usage, or even electric power generation.

Example sentences using: energía eléctrica

La energía eléctrica se va a cortar debido a una tormenta.

English translation of La energía eléctrica se va a cortar debido a una tormenta.

The electric power is going to be cut off due to a storm.

The phrase indicates an upcoming power cut due to a storm. It is a common warning that might be broadcasted or shared among individuals when a severe storm is expected and power outages are likely.

Necesitamos más energía eléctrica para poner en marcha este proyecto.

English translation of Necesitamos más energía eléctrica para poner en marcha este proyecto.

We need more electric power to get this project started.

The sentence suggests that more power is required to start a certain project. This could be a literal need for more electrical power or it might figuratively mean more resources or effort are required to initiate a project.

Mi factura de energía eléctrica es muy alta este mes.

English translation of Mi factura de energía eléctrica es muy alta este mes.

My electric power bill is very high this month.

The phrase is a common statement one might say when they receive an expensive power bill. The use of 'este mes' ('this month') suggests that the bill is unusually high compared to other months.

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