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English translation of emigración


The Spanish word 'emigración' translates to 'emigration' in English. Emigration is the act of leaving one's native country or region to settle in another. It typically occurs with the intent to settle permanently in a new location. The term is closely related to immigration, which is the process of individuals moving into a new country. Together, emigration and immigration are part of the wider process of migration within and between nations.

Example sentences using: emigración

La emigración ha crecido en los últimos años.

English translation of La emigración ha crecido en los últimos años.

Emigration has grown in recent years.

This sentence means that the act or process of leaving one's resident country with the intent to settle elsewhere (emigration) has increased in the last few years.

El impacto de la emigración en nuestra economía es notable.

English translation of El impacto de la emigración en nuestra economía es notable.

The impact of emigration on our economy is notable.

This sentence means that according to speaker's point of view, the process of leaving a resident country to settle elsewhere (emigration) has a significant effect on their economy.

Existe una película que habla sobre la emigración en América Latina.

English translation of Existe una película que habla sobre la emigración en América Latina.

There is a movie that talks about emigration in Latin America.

This sentence conveys that there is a film which discusses the topic of people leaving their resident countries to settle somewhere else, and it focuses on such circumstances within Latin America.

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