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English translation of embarcadero


The Spanish word 'embarcadero' is often misinterpreted as 'ship', but its correct English translation is 'wharf' or 'pier'. It refers to a structure built on the shore of a harbor, lake, river, or canal where ships or boats can dock or be moored. An 'embarcadero' is typically used for loading and unloading cargo or passengers from the water vessels.

Example sentences using: embarcadero

English translation of El viejo embarcadero es una atracción turística popular.

The old pier is a popular tourist attraction.

The phrase uses 'embarcadero' to describe a place of interest that attracts tourists for its historical or archaeological significance.

Vamos a pescar en el embarcadero.

English translation of Vamos a pescar en el embarcadero.

Let's go fishing on the pier.

In this sentence, 'embarcadero' is used to refer to a structure built over water used for catching fish.

El embarcadero es el lugar perfecto para la cita.

English translation of El embarcadero es el lugar perfecto para la cita.

The pier is the perfect place for the date.

Here, the 'embarcadero' (pier) is being referred to as a romantic location for a date.

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