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eliminar un documento

English translation of eliminar un documento

delete a document

The Spanish phrase 'eliminar un documento' directly translates to 'delete a document' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of document handling in digital spaces, such as deleting a file on your computer or removing a document from a digital storage. However, it can also apply to non-digital contexts where a physical document is being discarded or destroyed.

Example sentences using: eliminar un documento

Necesitas eliminar un documento importante de tu computadora.

English translation of Necesitas eliminar un documento importante de tu computadora.

You need to delete an important document from your computer.

This sentence can be used when instructing someone to erase a digital file from their computer system, which is particularly applicable in tech support or personal use contexts.

Voy a eliminar un documento en la aplicación de Google Drive.

English translation of Voy a eliminar un documento en la aplicación de Google Drive.

I'm going to delete a document in the Google Drive app.

This example illustrates someone intending to erase a digital file in a specific application, Google Drive, which is a cloud-based file storage and synchronization service.

Antes de eliminar un documento, asegúrate de haber guardado todos los cambios deseados.

English translation of Antes de eliminar un documento, asegúrate de haber guardado todos los cambios deseados.

Before deleting a document, make sure you have saved all desired changes.

This is a common cautionary statement, reminding the user to save any necessary alterations to a file before proceeding with its deletion to avoid potential loss of data.

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