remove the grains
The Spanish phrase 'eliminar los granos' translates to 'remove the grains' in English. This phrase is typically used in contexts such as cooking or farming, where you might need to remove grains from a product. For instance, in cooking you might get instructions to 'eliminar los granos' from a batch of rice or beans as part of the process. Similarly, in farming or agricultural work, 'eliminar los granos' might be part of the process of processing certain types of crops. Remember, 'eliminar' translates to 'remove' and 'granos' translates to 'grains'.
We need a plan to eliminate grains from our diet.
In this sentence, 'eliminar los granos' refers to removing grains from a diet most likely to improve health or due to dietary restrictions.
I'm going to eliminate the grains from the picture with a editing program.
This example talks about using a photo editing program to 'eliminar los granos', or remove image noise, often referred to as 'grains' in photography, to enhance the quality of the picture.
When will you be able to eliminate the grains from the list of ingredients?
In this context, 'eliminar los granos' means to remove the grains from the list of ingredients, probably for a recipe or a product. This may be due to a change in the recipe or to cater to those with a grain-free diet.