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English translation of elfo


The term 'elfo' is used in Spanish to refer to a mythical creature known in folklore and fantasy literature. Similar to English, it is typically associated with magical beings that are human-like in appearance with pointy ears, often skilled in magic or mischief. The usage in a sentence could be 'El elfo en el libro era muy sabio', which translates to 'The elf in the book was very wise'.

Example sentences using: elfo

El elfo comió una manzana

English translation of El elfo comió una manzana

The elf ate an apple

This sentence talks about an action done by the elf, specifically, the action of eating an apple.

El elfo cantó una canción

English translation of El elfo cantó una canción

The elf sang a song

This phrase describes an elf performing the action of singing a song.

El elfo tiene un arco y flechas

English translation of El elfo tiene un arco y flechas

The elf has a bow and arrows

This phrase states the belongings of the elf; in this case, a bow and arrows representing a common archetype of elves in fantasy literature.

El elfo está perdido

English translation of El elfo está perdido

The elf is lost

This sentence presents a situation where the elf is lost.

El elfo escribió una carta

English translation of El elfo escribió una carta

The elf wrote a letter

This phrase summarizes an action that the elf undertook. The action here being writing a letter.

El elfo está durmiendo

English translation of El elfo está durmiendo

The elf is sleeping

This statement speaks about the state of the elf, it is currently sleeping.

El elfo quiere ser amigo

English translation of El elfo quiere ser amigo

The elf wants to be a friend

This sentence expresses the elf's desire to establish a relationship of friendship.

El elfo está buscando un tesoro

English translation of El elfo está buscando un tesoro

The elf is looking for a treasure

This sentence describes an elf who is in search of treasure, a common theme within fantasy tales.

El elfo está escondido en el bosque

English translation of El elfo está escondido en el bosque

The elf is hidden in the forest

This sentence is used when discussing the location of fantastical beings, the elf in this case being hidden in the forest.

El elfo tiene orejas puntiagudas

English translation of El elfo tiene orejas puntiagudas

The elf has pointed ears

This sentence describes a physical characteristic that elves are commonly thought to possess, namely, pointed ears.

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