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English translation of elegir


The Spanish word 'elegir' translates to 'pick' in English. It is used in the same way as in English. For example, when selecting or choosing something among options. It also implies the act of making a choice or decision. Just like in English, 'elegir' is used both in literal and figurative contexts.

Example sentences using: elegir

Voy a elegir una película para ver esta noche.

English translation of Voy a elegir una película para ver esta noche.

I'm going to choose a movie to watch tonight.

This sentence is in the first person future tense, telling what the speaker is planning to do. 'Elegir' is used here to indicate 'choosing' a movie.

Es difícil elegir entre estos dos vestidos.

English translation of Es difícil elegir entre estos dos vestidos.

It's hard to choose between these two dresses.

Here, 'elegir' is used in an infinitive form, indicating the action of choosing. This sentence expresses difficulty in making a choice.

Por favor, elige la comida que quieras.

English translation of Por favor, elige la comida que quieras.

Please, choose the food that you want.

In this sentence, 'elige' is a command aimed at the listener. It is applied to choosing the food that the listener wants.

Elegí este coche porque es más económico.

English translation of Elegí este coche porque es más económico.

I chose this car because it's more economical.

'Elegí' is the first person past tense form of 'elegir', indicating a choice that was made in the past. The reason for the choice is also given in this sentence.

Debemos elegir un nuevo líder para nuestro equipo.

English translation of Debemos elegir un nuevo líder para nuestro equipo.

We must choose a new leader for our team.

In this example, 'elegir' is used in the infinitive form combined with 'debemos' (we must) to express obligation or necessity.

Cada votante tiene derecho a elegir.

English translation of Cada votante tiene derecho a elegir.

Every voter has the right to choose.

In this sentence, 'elegir' is used in its infinitive form to generally describe the right or ability to make a choice.

Estoy indeciso, ¿puedes elegir tú?

English translation of Estoy indeciso, ¿puedes elegir tú?

I'm undecided, can you choose?

Here, 'elegir' is used in the form of a question. The speaker is asking another person to make a choice because they are undecided.

Ella siempre elige los mejores vinos.

English translation of Ella siempre elige los mejores vinos.

She always chooses the best wines.

In this example, 'elige' refers to a regular or habitual action of choosing the best wines.

Eligen a los jugadores más hábiles para el equipo.

English translation of Eligen a los jugadores más hábiles para el equipo.

They choose the most skilled players for the team.

In this sentence, the verb 'eligen' is used to describe the action of selecting the most skilled players for a team.

Para elegir correctamente, tienes que considerar todas las opciones.

English translation of Para elegir correctamente, tienes que considerar todas las opciones.

To choose correctly, you have to consider all the options.

Here, 'elegir' is used in infinitive form to provide guidance or advice on how to make a correct choice.

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