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English translation of electrón


The Spanish word 'electrón' translates to 'electron' in English. An electron is a stable elementary particle that is negatively charged, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids.

Example sentences using: electrón

El electrón es una partícula subatómica.

English translation of El electrón es una partícula subatómica.

The electron is a subatomic particle.

This sentence is an example of a simple statement in Spanish that describes a fact about an electron. 'El' is the Spanish article 'the', 'electrón' is 'electron', 'es' equates to 'is', and 'una partícula subatómica' translates to 'a subatomic particle'.

La carga de un electrón es negativa.

English translation of La carga de un electrón es negativa.

The charge of an electron is negative.

This sentence is delivering a scientific fact about electrons in Spanish. 'La', is the female article 'the', '(la) carga' means 'charge', 'de' equates to 'of', 'un electrón' translates to 'an electron' and 'es negativa' to 'is negative'.

Los protones atraen a los electrones debido a su carga.

English translation of Los protones atraen a los electrones debido a su carga.

Protons attract electrons due to their charge.

This Spanish sentence narrates a fundamental concept of atomic structure. 'Los protones' translates to 'the protons', 'atraen' means 'attract', 'a' is 'to', 'los electrones' are 'the electrons', 'debido a' translates to 'due to', and 'su carga' means 'their charge'.

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