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elecciones locales

English translation of elecciones locales

Local elections

The term 'elecciones locales' in Spanish translates to 'local elections' in English. Local elections are a critical aspect of democratic governance, as they grant citizens the opportunity to select local officials who will represent their interests and concerns at the local governance level. Typically, positions like mayors, city council members, sheriffs, and other local governmental offices are filled through local elections.

Example sentences using: elecciones locales

Las elecciones locales son un barómetro de la política nacional en España.

English translation of Las elecciones locales son un barómetro de la política nacional en España.

Local elections are a barometer of national politics in Spain.

This phrase indicates the significance of local elections in measuring the political mood across the country. When local elections are seen as a 'barometer', they are used to predict the trends and outcomes of national politics.

Los ciudadanos votan en las elecciones locales para seleccionar a sus representantes municipales.

English translation of Los ciudadanos votan en las elecciones locales para seleccionar a sus representantes municipales.

Citizens vote in local elections to select their municipal representatives.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of local elections in democratic governance. Through local elections, citizens exercise their right to choose those who will represent their civic interests at the municipal level.

Los resultados de las elecciones locales a menudo determinan la política local.

English translation of Los resultados de las elecciones locales a menudo determinan la política local.

The results of the local elections often determine local policy.

This sentence illustrates how the outcome of local elections has a direct bearing on the form and direction of local policies. Hence, local elections play a vital role in shaping a locality's policy framework.

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