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elecciones generales

English translation of elecciones generales

General elections

The Spanish term 'elecciones generales' translates to 'general elections' in English. In a political context, general elections are usually held at an established frequency and involve the selection of individuals to fill positions in various offices or bodies by the eligible voters of a specific country or area. These can involve various roles, from the highest office in the nation, such as the presidency, all the way down to local councillors or other similar roles. A 'general' election typically denotes a national or wide-ranging vote as opposed to smaller, local, or special elections.

Example sentences using: elecciones generales

Las elecciones generales en mi país están programadas para noviembre.

English translation of Las elecciones generales en mi país están programadas para noviembre.

The general elections in my country are scheduled for November.

This example phrase tells us that the general elections in the speaker's country are scheduled (set to occur) in November.

Según los resultados de las elecciones generales, tenemos un nuevo presidente.

English translation of Según los resultados de las elecciones generales, tenemos un nuevo presidente.

According to the results of the general elections, we have a new president.

This example sentence indicates that the results of the general elections have led to the selection of a new president.

Antes de las elecciones generales, los candidatos realizan campañas en todo el país.

English translation of Antes de las elecciones generales, los candidatos realizan campañas en todo el país.

Before the general elections, the candidates carry out campaigns all over the country.

This example phrase states that prior to the general elections, the candidates conduct (carry out) campaigns throughout the country.

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