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ejercer la presidencia

English translation of ejercer la presidencia

to exercise the presidency

The phrase 'ejercer la presidencia' in Spanish translates to 'to exercise the presidency' in English. This phrase implies the action of carrying out the powers, duties, and functions associated with the role of a president in an official capacity. It is used to describe the actions of being in the presidential role and actively performing the tasks and responsibilities involved with that position.

Example sentences using: ejercer la presidencia

Busca ejercer la presidencia de la asociación.

English translation of Busca ejercer la presidencia de la asociación.

He seeks to exercise the presidency of the association.

In this sentence, the verb 'ejercer' is used in the context of someone aspiring to or working towards holding the position of president within an association. The verb 'ejercer' implies performing or holding a position or role actively.

Para ejercer la presidencia, debe tener experiencia en liderazgo.

English translation of Para ejercer la presidencia, debe tener experiencia en liderazgo.

To exercise the presidency, you must have leadership experience.

This example highlights the requirement or condition (leadership experience) to 'ejercer la presidencia' or to hold/be in the position of presidency. This is a common requirement for leadership roles within any community.

No está capacitado para ejercer la presidencia.

English translation of No está capacitado para ejercer la presidencia.

He is not qualified to exercise the presidency.

This sentence is using 'ejercer la presidencia' to express the subject's lack of qualifications to hold a position of presidency. It suggests that certain skills or qualifications are necessary to effectively perform in that role.

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