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efectuar un pago

English translation of efectuar un pago

make a payment

The Spanish phrase 'efectuar un pago' translates to 'make a payment' in English. This term is commonly used in financial contexts, where an individual or entity transfers money to another in exchange for goods or services. For instance, a customer might 'efectuar un pago' to a business to purchase their products or a renter might make a payment to their landlord for monthly rent. It generally refers to the act of fulfilling a monetary obligation.

Example sentences using: efectuar un pago

Antes de efectuar un pago, revisa detenidamente los detalles.

English translation of Antes de efectuar un pago, revisa detenidamente los detalles.

Before making a payment, carefully review the details.

In this sentence, 'efectuar un pago' is used in the context of an advisory. It advises the reader to review details before making a payment.

Para seguir con el procedimiento, es necesario efectuar un pago.

English translation of Para seguir con el procedimiento, es necesario efectuar un pago.

To continue with the procedure, it is necessary to make a payment.

This sentence uses 'efectuar un pago' in a procedural context. It implies that a payment is required to continue.

Carlos tuvo problemas al efectuar un pago en el supermercado.

English translation of Carlos tuvo problemas al efectuar un pago en el supermercado.

Carlos had problems making a payment at the supermarket.

In this context, 'efectuar un pago' is used to describe an action that resulted in difficulties. Carlos had issues while making a payment.

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