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efectos secundarios

English translation of efectos secundarios

side effects

The Spanish term 'efectos secundarios' translates to 'side effects' in English. It is commonly used in medical contexts to refer to the undesirable effects of medication or treatment, beyond the desired therapeutic effect. For example, a doctor might explain the 'efectos secundarios' of a certain drug to a patient, which might include symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or other reactions.

Example sentences using: efectos secundarios

Los efectos secundarios de este medicamento pueden ser perjudiciales para algunos pacientes.

English translation of Los efectos secundarios de este medicamento pueden ser perjudiciales para algunos pacientes.

The side effects of this medication can be harmful to some patients.

The phrase is used in a medical context to explain the potential negative consequences a drug may have on certain individuals.

Estoy investigando los efectos secundarios asociados con este tratamiento.

English translation of Estoy investigando los efectos secundarios asociados con este tratamiento.

I am researching the side effects associated with this treatment.

This sentence illustrates a person's active investigation into the possible secondary outcomes that a specific medical treatment may cause.

En ocasiones, los efectos secundarios pueden ser más graves que la enfermedad en sí.

English translation of En ocasiones, los efectos secundarios pueden ser más graves que la enfermedad en sí.

Sometimes, the side effects can be more severe than the illness itself.

In this context, the phrase is used to highlight the grim reality that in some cases the unintended ramifications of a treatment can surpass the severity of the original medical condition.

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