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efectos especiales

English translation of efectos especiales

special effects

The Spanish term 'efectos especiales' translates to 'special effects' in English. Special effects refer to illusions or visual tricks used in film, television, theatre, video game, and simulator industries to simulate the imagined events in a storyline or virtual world. These effects are commonly used to enhance the viewers' experience by making imaginary or non-existing scenarios appear real.

Example sentences using: efectos especiales

Los efectos especiales en esa película fueron increíbles.

English translation of Los efectos especiales en esa película fueron increíbles.

The special effects in that movie were incredible.

This sentence is a straightforward statement expressing an opinion about the special effects in a movie. It is comprised of a subject ('Los efectos especiales en esa película'), a verb ('fueron'), and an adjective ('increíbles').

Estoy aprendiendo a hacer efectos especiales para mi proyecto de cine.

English translation of Estoy aprendiendo a hacer efectos especiales para mi proyecto de cine.

I'm learning to create special effects for my film project.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing that they are in the process of learning to create special effects. The verb in this case 'estoy aprendiendo' alludes to the on-going process of learning.

Los efectos especiales pueden ser costosos, pero son fundamentales para la industria cinematográfica.

English translation of Los efectos especiales pueden ser costosos, pero son fundamentales para la industria cinematográfica.

Special effects can be costly, but they are fundamental to the film industry.

This sentence presents firstly, a condition where special effects might be expensive, and secondly, despite the cost, the importance of special effects in the movie industry. It provides an assessment of the value and impact of special effects.

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