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English translation of ecografía


The Spanish word 'ecografía' translates to 'ultrasound' in English. Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within the body. Doctors use ultrasound to view the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and other organs. It's often used to monitor the development of unborn babies in pregnant women.

Example sentences using: ecografía

Necesito programar una ecografía para mi embarazo.

English translation of Necesito programar una ecografía para mi embarazo.

I need to schedule an ultrasound for my pregnancy.

In this example, 'ecografía' is used in the context of medical appointments. An ultrasound is a common examination performed during a pregnancy to observe the development of the baby.

Trabajo en el departamento de ecografía del hospital.

English translation of Trabajo en el departamento de ecografía del hospital.

I work in the ultrasound department of the hospital.

This sentence uses 'ecografía' in a professional/occupational context. In this case, the individual is indicating their job location within a hospital, specifically in the ultrasound department.

La ecografía mostró que el bebé es una niña.

English translation of La ecografía mostró que el bebé es una niña.

The ultrasound showed that the baby is a girl.

In this example, 'ecografía' is used to describe the results of an ultrasound. This is a common context for 'ecografía', especially during pregnancy where ultrasounds are used to determine the gender of the baby.

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