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echar una película

English translation of echar una película

throw a film

'Echar una película' is a Spanish idiomatic expression. While a direct translation like 'throw a film' might not make sense in English, the phrase is commonly used to mean 'to watch a movie' in Spanish. It's frequently used in informal, colloquial conversation among native Spanish speakers. Thus, instead of 'throw a film', you should understand it as 'to watch a movie'.

Example sentences using: echar una película

Vamos a echar una película en la sala de estar.

English translation of Vamos a echar una película en la sala de estar.

Let's play a movie in the living room.

In this sentence, 'echar una película' is used to convey the action of playing a movie. It is a casual expression mainly used in Spain.

Esta noche, voy a echar una película para disfrutar.

English translation of Esta noche, voy a echar una película para disfrutar.

Tonight, I'm going to play a movie to enjoy.

In this context, the expression 'echar una película' refers to the individual action of playing a movie for personal enjoyment. The speaker is likely making plans for their evening at home.

¿Podrías echar una película mientras preparo la cena?

English translation of ¿Podrías echar una película mientras preparo la cena?

Could you play a movie while I prepare dinner?

This sentence is an example of a request in which 'echar una película' is used. In this case, one person is asking another to play a movie while they are busy with something else.

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