The Spanish term 'ebanistería' generally refers to the craft, trade or job of a carpenter, specifically the one involved in fine and detailed woodwork. This can involve the creation, restoration or maintenance of cabinetry, furniture and similar items. The term draws its origin from the French word 'ébénisterie', denoting cabinet-making or carpentry, which in turn takes its name from the 'ébène', the French term for ebony, a type of hardwood used in quality furniture.
My father works in the carpentry.
In this sentence, 'ebanistería' refers to the location where the speaker’s father works, which is a carpentry workshop. It is common in Spanish to use the name of the trade to refer to the physical location where it is performed.
I would like to learn more about carpentry.
Here, 'ebanistería' is used to talk about the craft or trade of carpentry. The speaker expresses interest in learning more about the subject.
Carpentry is an art that requires a lot of patience.
In this example, 'ebanistería' refers to the craft of carpentry itself, which the speaker describes as an art form requiring patience. This usage emphasizes artistry and skill involved in carpentry.