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dosis recomendada

English translation of dosis recomendada

recommended dose

The Spanish term 'dosis recomendada' directly translates into English as 'recommended dose'. This phrase is commonly used in medical and pharmaceutical contexts. It refers to the advised or prescribed amount of a certain medication or treatment that should be taken or administered, usually within a specified period of time. Following the 'dosis recomendada' is imperative for safety, efficacy, and the overall positive outcome of the treatment.

Example sentences using: dosis recomendada

English translation of El médico ha aumentado la dosis recomendada de mi medicación.

The doctor has increased the recommended dose of my medication.

This sentence is talking about a situation where a doctor has decided to increase the recommended dose of the speaker's medication.

English translation of El prospecto dice que la dosis recomendada es una tableta al día.

The leaflet says that the recommended dose is one tablet a day.

In this sentence, the speaker is referring to the instructions or guidelines found on a medicinal product's leaflet that dictate that the recommended dose of the medication is one tablet per day.

English translation of La dosis recomendada para niños es menor que para adultos.

The recommended dose for children is less than for adults.

This sentence is used to convey that the dosage of a certain medication or product recommended for children is lower than the one recommended for adults, this can often be due to differences in body size, metabolism or developmental stage.

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