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donar óvulos

English translation of donar óvulos

donate eggs

The phrase 'donar óvulos' in Spanish translates to 'donate eggs' in English. This term can be used in various contexts but is usually associated with the process where a woman provides her eggs to another individual or couple who is incapable of conceiving a child on their own. Donating eggs involves a medical procedure and is considered a generous act of helping those who have difficulties in conceiving a child.

Example sentences using: donar óvulos

Me estoy considerando donar óvulos, pero aún tengo algunas dudas.

English translation of Me estoy considerando donar óvulos, pero aún tengo algunas dudas.

I'm considering donating eggs, but I still have some doubts.

This sentence can be used when a person is contemplating the decision of egg donation, but still has some reservations or questions about the process.

¿Sabe dónde puedo donar óvulos en esta ciudad?

English translation of ¿Sabe dónde puedo donar óvulos en esta ciudad?

Do you know where I can donate eggs in this city?

The speaker is asking for information about egg donation locations within a particular city. This could be useful for someone who has decided to donate but doesn't know where they can do it.

La decisión de donar óvulos no debe tomarse a la ligera.

English translation of La decisión de donar óvulos no debe tomarse a la ligera.

The decision to donate eggs should not be taken lightly.

This sentence emphasizes the seriousness of the egg donation decision. It suggests that this decision requires serious thought and consideration.

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