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donar órganos

English translation of donar órganos

donate organs

The Spanish phrase 'donar órganos' translates to 'donate organs' in English. This is a term frequently used in healthcare and medical contexts. Organ donation is the process by which an individual decides to donate their organs upon death, to be used for transplantation into another person. This act can save lives or improve the quality of life for those in need of an organ transplant.

Example sentences using: donar órganos

Es importante considerar el donar órganos después de la muerte.

English translation of Es importante considerar el donar órganos después de la muerte.

It is important to consider organ donation after death.

This sentence is discussing the relevance of considering the act of organ donation after one's death. It's a common discussion topic among health and ethics debates.

Todos deberíamos pensar en donar órganos para salvar vidas.

English translation of Todos deberíamos pensar en donar órganos para salvar vidas.

We all should think about donating organs to save lives.

In this sentence, it is suggested that everyone should ponder about the act of organ donation as a method of potentially saving lives. It demonstrates the writer's perspective on a societal responsibility.

Hablar sobre donar órganos puede ser un tema delicado para algunas personas.

English translation of Hablar sobre donar órganos puede ser un tema delicado para algunas personas.

Talking about organ donation can be a delicate topic for some people.

This sentence acknowledges that the topic of organ donation can be sensitive or challenging to discuss for certain individuals. It provides an understanding of different comfort levels regarding this topic.

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