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dolor sordo

English translation of dolor sordo

dull pain

The Spanish term 'dolor sordo' translates into English as 'dull pain'. This phrase could describe a physical pain that is not sharp or intense but rather is persistent and discomforting. It's often used in medical contexts, but can also be used more broadly to describe a constant, underlying feeling of discomfort or distress.

Example sentences using: dolor sordo

Este dolor sordo ha durado todo el día.

English translation of Este dolor sordo ha durado todo el día.

This dull pain has lasted all day.

This sentence is expressing a continuous or persistent feeling of a dull pain, indicating that the speaker has been experiencing this sensation throughout the entire day.

Después de la operación, sentía un dolor sordo en la herida.

English translation of Después de la operación, sentía un dolor sordo en la herida.

After the surgery, I felt a dull pain in the wound.

In this context, the speaker is referring to a past medical operation. After the procedure, the speaker experienced a dull pain in the area of their wound, indicating that the dull pain came as a result of the surgery.

El dolor sordo en mi pierna me despertó en medio de la noche.

English translation of El dolor sordo en mi pierna me despertó en medio de la noche.

The dull pain in my leg woke me up in the middle of the night.

This sentence conveys a scenario where the speaker was sleeping, and was then awakened by a dull pain occurring in their leg. This dull pain was significant enough to wake the speaker up, implying a considerable discomfort.

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