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dolor punzante

English translation of dolor punzante

puncture pain

The Spanish term 'dolor punzante' translates to 'puncture pain' in English. This term is usually used in a medical context to describe sharp, intense pain that comes on suddenly, similar to what one might experience if they were to receive a puncture wound or a sharp blow to the body. It can also be used in a more metaphorical sense to describe emotional anguish that feels as sharp and sudden as physical pain.

Example sentences using: dolor punzante

Fui al médico porque tenía un dolor punzante en el pecho.

English translation of Fui al médico porque tenía un dolor punzante en el pecho.

I went to the doctor because I had a sharp pain in my chest.

In this sentence, 'dolor punzante' is used to describe a type of pain. It specifically refers to a sharp feeling of discomfort.

El dolor punzante en mi muela no me deja concentrarme en nada.

English translation of El dolor punzante en mi muela no me deja concentrarme en nada.

The sharp pain in my tooth doesn't let me concentrate on anything.

Here, a 'dolor punzante' is indicating an intense type of toothpain that is so severe it's impacting the speaker's ability to focus.

A veces, siento un dolor punzante en la rodilla cuando hace frío.

English translation of A veces, siento un dolor punzante en la rodilla cuando hace frío.

Sometimes, I feel a sharp pain in my knee when it is cold.

This sentence uses 'dolor punzante' to describe a discomfort in the knee, evidently related to cold weather.

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