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dolor lumbar

English translation of dolor lumbar

lumbar pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor lumbar' translates to 'lumbar pain' in English. Lumbar pain refers to discomfort or distress in the lower back area between the ribs and the pelvis; this area is known as the lumbar region. A wide range of factors may contribute to lumbar pain, including poor posture, heavy lifting, or underlying health conditions like degenerative disc disease.

Example sentences using: dolor lumbar

Mi médico dice que mi dolor lumbar es crónico.

English translation of Mi médico dice que mi dolor lumbar es crónico.

My doctor says that my back pain is chronic.

This sentence is used in a context where a person is discussing a chronic health condition, specifically chronic back pain, with someone else.

El dolor lumbar que experimento cuando levanto pesas es insoportable.

English translation of El dolor lumbar que experimento cuando levanto pesas es insoportable.

The back pain I experience when I lift weights is unbearable.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing the severe back pain they experience while participating in a strenuous activity, such as weightlifting.

Los ejercicios de yoga ayudan a reducir mi dolor lumbar.

English translation of Los ejercicios de yoga ayudan a reducir mi dolor lumbar.

The yoga exercises help reduce my back pain.

This example illustrates a way one might discuss the benefits of yoga in reducing back pain.

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