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dolor intestinal

English translation of dolor intestinal

intestinal pain

The Spanish term 'dolor intestinal' translates to 'intestinal pain' in English. This phrase is often used in medical contexts, referring to the discomfort or pain a person may experience around their abdominal area because of reasons such as indigestion, food poisoning or more serious conditions like appendicitis or ulcers. Understanding such phrases can be helpful especially in healthcare settings where accurate and immediate translation is necessary for patient care.

Example sentences using: dolor intestinal

Desde que comí ese sándwich, tengo dolor intestinal.

English translation of Desde que comí ese sándwich, tengo dolor intestinal.

Since I ate that sandwich, I have intestinal pain.

This sentence is generally used to state correlation between a preceding action (in this case, consumption of a sandwich) and the current state of intestinal discomfort.

Mi médico dice que el estrés puede causar dolor intestinal.

English translation of Mi médico dice que el estrés puede causar dolor intestinal.

My doctor says that stress can cause intestinal pain.

In this instance, the speaker is relaying advice or information that they received from their doctor. The phrase indicates a possible connection between stress and the condition of intestinal discomfort.

El dolor intestinal interrumpe mis actividades diarias.

English translation of El dolor intestinal interrumpe mis actividades diarias.

Intestinal pain disrupts my daily activities.

This sentence expresses the speaker's situation where their daily routine or activities are being impacted due to their discomfort in the intestines.

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