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dolor agudo

English translation of dolor agudo

Acute pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor agudo' translates to 'acute pain' in English. The term 'acute' typically refers to a condition that presents with sudden or severe symptoms. Therefore, 'dolor agudo' in Spanish is generally used to describe severe, intense, or sharp pain that starts suddenly and usually doesn't last a long time. This phrase can be used in a variety of medical and non-medical contexts.

Example sentences using: dolor agudo

Después del golpe, sintió un dolor agudo en la rodilla.

English translation of Después del golpe, sintió un dolor agudo en la rodilla.

After the blow, he felt a sharp pain in his knee.

This sentence is used to describe a situation where someone feels sharp pain after receiving a blow to a specific body part, in this case, the knee.

Experimenté un dolor agudo en el pecho.

English translation of Experimenté un dolor agudo en el pecho.

I experienced a sharp pain in my chest.

This sentence is straightforward translation and can be used when the speaker experiences a sudden and sharp pain in their chest.

El dolor agudo en mi oído me despertó en medio de la noche.

English translation of El dolor agudo en mi oído me despertó en medio de la noche.

The sharp pain in my ear woke me up in the middle of the night.

This is a sentence that can be used when a sudden, intense ear pain is strong enough to awaken the speaker from sleep.

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