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dolor abdominal

English translation of dolor abdominal

abdominal pain

The Spanish phrase 'dolor abdominal' translates to 'abdominal pain' in English. It is a common phrase used in medical contexts or in general to express discomfort or pain specifically in the abdominal region, thus sharing the same meaning with its English counterpart. The word 'dolor' translates to 'pain', and 'abdominal' remains the same in both languages, indicating the specific area of discomfort.

Example sentences using: dolor abdominal

Tengo dolor abdominal intenso.

English translation of Tengo dolor abdominal intenso.

I have severe abdominal pain.

In this sentence, the person is describing strong (intenso) abdominal pain that they are currently experiencing.

El dolor abdominal es un síntoma común de apendicitis.

English translation of El dolor abdominal es un síntoma común de apendicitis.

Abdominal pain is a common symptom of appendicitis.

This sentence communicates that a frequent sign (síntoma común) of the medical condition appendicitis is pain in the abdomen.

¿Cuánto tiempo has tenido dolor abdominal?

English translation of ¿Cuánto tiempo has tenido dolor abdominal?

How long have you had abdominal pain?

This question is asking for a duration (cuánto tiempo) of the person's experience with abdominal pain. It could be asked by a doctor during a medical assessment.

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