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English translation of doler


The Spanish word 'doler' translates as 'to hurt' or 'pain' in English. It is a verb and it usually refers to physical or emotional pain. For example, when someone is injured they might say 'Me duele' which means 'It hurts me'. It can also be used to describe emotional pain, such as 'Me duele el corazon' which translates to 'My heart hurts'.

Example sentences using: doler

Me duele la cabeza

English translation of Me duele la cabeza

My head hurts

This phrase directly translates to 'the head hurts me'. In Spanish, the verb 'doler' is often used in this way to express that a certain body part is in pain.

Le duele el estómago

English translation of Le duele el estómago

His stomach hurts

In this example, 'doler' is used to indicate that 'his stomach hurts'. The verb follows a structure similar to the English 'to have' when indicating the possession of physical sensations.

Les duele los pies

English translation of Les duele los pies

Their feet hurt

This phrase uses the plural form to express that multiple individuals are experiencing foot pain. The verb 'doler' is used to indicate when a body part hurts, similar to how 'hurt' is used in English.

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