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doctrina filosófico

English translation of doctrina filosófico

philosophical doctrine

The term 'doctrina filosófico' in Spanish translates to 'philosophical doctrine' in English. It essentially refers to a set of beliefs, concepts or theories that are developed and followed by a group, which can range from philosophical groups, thinkers, or schools. This Spanish term, just like its English counterpart, is commonly used in academic and intellectual contexts, specifically when discussing various branches and schools of philosophy.

Example sentences using: doctrina filosófico

La doctrina filosófica de Sócrates ha dejado huella en la historia.

English translation of La doctrina filosófica de Sócrates ha dejado huella en la historia.

Socrates' philosophical doctrine has left its mark on history.

This phrase refers to the impact that the philosophical beliefs of Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, have had on the course of historical events, ideas, and scholarly thinking.

Estudiamos la doctrina filosófica de los esencialistas en la universidad.

English translation of Estudiamos la doctrina filosófica de los esencialistas en la universidad.

We studied the philosophical doctrine of essentialists in university.

This sentence is speaking from a general point of view about the experience of studying the philosophical beliefs of the essentialists, a school of philosophical thought, while attending university.

Dentro de la doctrina filosófica del budismo, el nirvana es un estado de liberación.

English translation of Dentro de la doctrina filosófica del budismo, el nirvana es un estado de liberación.

Within the philosophical doctrine of Buddhism, nirvana is a state of liberation.

This statement is about how the concept of nirvana is understood according to the philosophical ideas in Buddhism as a state of liberation, referencing particular elements within the Buddhist philosophical doctrine.

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