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English translation of disponible


In Spanish, 'disponible' is used the same way as 'available' is in English. You can use it to denote if something is free or not occupied. For example, you can use it to say that a seat or date is available. It is also used to denote the availability of people, just like in English.

Example sentences using: disponible

El libro está disponible en la biblioteca.

English translation of El libro está disponible en la biblioteca.

The book is available in the library.

This phrase teaches you how to use the word 'disponible' in the context of an object or item being available for use or purchase. It translates directly to 'The book is available in the library'.

Las entradas aún no están disponibles.

English translation of Las entradas aún no están disponibles.

Tickets are not yet available.

This phrase uses the word 'disponible' in a negative context, indicating the unavailability of something. The direct translation is 'Tickets are not yet available'.

La habitación no está disponible.

English translation of La habitación no está disponible.

The room is not available.

In this phrase, 'disponible' is used to affirm that a room is not currently free for use. The English translation would be 'The room is not available'.

La mesa está disponible aqui.

English translation of La mesa está disponible aqui.

The table is available here.

This phrase is a direct statement which uses 'disponible' to indicate that a table is present and free for use. The English translation is 'The table is available here'.

El coche está disponible para alquilar.

English translation of El coche está disponible para alquilar.

The car is available for rent.

In this sentence, 'disponible' is used to signal that a car is free and ready for someone to rent. It translates to 'The car is available for rent'.

La idea es disponible para discutir.

English translation of La idea es disponible para discutir.

The idea is available for discussion.

Here, 'disponible' is used in the context of an idea being open for discussion, this could be useful in informal conversation or in a meeting setting. It translates as 'The idea is available for discussion'.

La película está disponible en Netflix.

English translation of La película está disponible en Netflix.

The movie is available on Netflix.

In this phrase, 'disponible' is utilized to express that a movie can be watched on Netflix. It translates to 'The movie is available on Netflix'.

El curso está disponible en línea.

English translation of El curso está disponible en línea.

The course is available online.

This sentence uses 'disponible' to convey the fact that a course is available for study on the internet. The English translation is 'The course is available online'.

El trabajo está disponible ahora.

English translation of El trabajo está disponible ahora.

The job is available now.

In this sentence, 'disponible' is used to say that a job position is currently open for applications. It translates to 'The job is available now'.

La comida está disponible en el restaurante.

English translation of La comida está disponible en el restaurante.

The food is available at the restaurant.

This phrase uses 'disponible' to tell us that food is available or ready to be served at a restaurant. The English translation is 'The food is available at the restaurant'.

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