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disfrutar de buena salud

English translation of disfrutar de buena salud

enjoy good health

The Spanish phrase 'disfrutar de buena salud' translates to 'enjoy good health' in English. It is often used to wish someone well-being and vitality, similarly to how in English we might say 'Stay healthy'. The phrase is structured with 'disfrutar de', meaning 'enjoy', followed by 'buena salud', which directly translates to 'good health'. It is a positive phrase, reflecting a wider cultural emphasis on the importance of health in Spanish-speaking societies.

Example sentences using: disfrutar de buena salud

Todos deberíamos disfrutar de buena salud para vivir una vida plena.

English translation of Todos deberíamos disfrutar de buena salud para vivir una vida plena.

We should all enjoy good health to live a full life.

The given phrase is highlighting the importance of good health. According to this sentence, everyone should have the privilege of good health for leading a fulfilling life.

Es importante disfrutar de buena salud para poder trabajar adecuadamente.

English translation of Es importante disfrutar de buena salud para poder trabajar adecuadamente.

It is important to enjoy good health in order to work properly.

The sentence stresses the need for good health in order to perform work activities effectively. If we are not in good health, our performance and capability may be affected.

Hacer ejercicio regularmente te ayuda a disfrutar de buena salud.

English translation of Hacer ejercicio regularmente te ayuda a disfrutar de buena salud.

Exercising regularly helps you enjoy good health.

In this context, it's mentioned that the habit of regular exercise contributes to good health. 'Disfrutar de buena salud' is used here to express the beneficial effect of exercise on health.

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