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English translation of disfrutar


The Spanish translation for the English word 'enjoy' is 'disfrutar'. It's used almost identically to English, such as in the phrase 'disfruta tu comida' which translates to 'enjoy your food'. Its use can be universal in activities, experiences, and meals, encouraging the person to take pleasure in what they are doing.

Example sentences using: disfrutar

Amo disfrutar de un buen libro.

English translation of Amo disfrutar de un buen libro.

I love to enjoy a good book.

Here, 'disfrutar' is tied with the verb 'amar' (to love). This shows how much the speaker enjoys reading. It also uses the preposition 'de' to indicate the object of enjoyment.

Puedes disfrutar del verano en la playa.

English translation of Puedes disfrutar del verano en la playa.

You can enjoy the summer at the beach.

In this sentence, 'disfrutar' is used to express the possibility of enjoying something, in this situation, the summer at the beach. Note the use of 'del', which is a contraction of 'de' + 'el'.

Quiero disfrutar de cada momento contigo.

English translation of Quiero disfrutar de cada momento contigo.

I want to enjoy every moment with you.

In this statement, 'disfrutar' is used in combination with 'quiero' (I want) expressing the desire to cherish every second spent with a loved one. The 'de' preposition is used following 'disfrutar'.

Nos encanta disfrutar de la naturaleza.

English translation of Nos encanta disfrutar de la naturaleza.

We love to enjoy nature.

'Disfrutar' is combined with the verb 'encantar' (to love/adore) to communicate the speaker's pleasure in appreciating nature. The 'de' preposition is used following 'disfrutar'.

Voy a disfrutar de esta rica cena.

English translation of Voy a disfrutar de esta rica cena.

I'm going to enjoy this delicious dinner.

'Voy a' is used with the verb 'disfrutar' to indicate a future action. The enjoyment is directed towards the dinner. The preposition of 'de' is used after 'disfrutar' before the object of enjoyment.

Está aprendiendo a disfrutar de las pequeñas cosas.

English translation of Está aprendiendo a disfrutar de las pequeñas cosas.

He is learning to enjoy the little things.

In this instance, 'disfrutar' is dependent on the verb 'aprender', defining the act of learning to appreciate. It also uses the preposition 'de' to specify what is enjoyed.

Me gusta disfrutar de la tranquilidad de la noche.

English translation of Me gusta disfrutar de la tranquilidad de la noche.

I like to enjoy the tranquility of the night.

In this sentence, 'disfrutar' is used with 'me gusta' (I like) to express the speaker's enjoyment. It also uses the preposition 'de' to indicate what is being enjoyed.

Podemos disfrutar de un paseo por el parque.

English translation of Podemos disfrutar de un paseo por el parque.

We can enjoy a walk in the park.

In this case, 'disfrutar' is used to propose an action that can be enjoyed, which is a walk in the park. The preposition 'de' comes after 'disfrutar'.

Vamos a disfrutar de la música en el concierto.

English translation of Vamos a disfrutar de la música en el concierto.

Let's enjoy the music at the concert

In this example, 'disfrutar' is used to express the idea of taking pleasure in something, in this case, the music at a concert. The preposition 'de' is typically used after 'disfrutar' before the object of enjoyment.

Deja de preocuparte y empieza a disfrutar de la vida.

English translation of Deja de preocuparte y empieza a disfrutar de la vida.

Stop worrying and start enjoying life.

In this example, 'disfrutar' is utilized in an instruction to start enjoying life, with the suggestion to stop worrying. It comes after the preposition 'a' which is commonly used to indicate an infinitive verb in Spanish.

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