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director de orquesta

English translation of director de orquesta

orchestra director

The Spanish term 'director de orquesta' translates to 'orchestra director' in English. An orchestra director, also often referred to as a conductor, is an individual who leads an orchestra, directing the musicians through performances of musical compositions. The director uses a rhythmic hand motion to guide the musicians and control the tempo of the music. The role of the orchestra director is essential in maintaining synchronization and harmony among the performers in the orchestra.

Example sentences using: director de orquesta

Mi tío siempre soñó con ser un director de orquesta.

English translation of Mi tío siempre soñó con ser un director de orquesta.

My uncle always dreamed of being an orchestra conductor.

In this sentence, the speaker is mentioning a family member's aspiration to become a conductor for an orchestra, indicating a desire for a professional career in directing musical performances.

El director de orquesta levantó la batuta y la música empezó a fluir.

English translation of El director de orquesta levantó la batuta y la música empezó a fluir.

The orchestra conductor raised the baton and the music began to flow.

This phrase describes a scene where an orchestra conductor initiates a musical performance by lifting their baton, which is the typical signal for the orchestra to start playing.

La precisión del director de orquesta es esencial para un buen rendimiento.

English translation of La precisión del director de orquesta es esencial para un buen rendimiento.

The accuracy of the orchestra conductor is essential for good performance.

In this example, the importance of the conductor's precision is highlighted, implying that the quality of an orchestra's performance greatly depends on the conductor’s ability to guide the musicians accurately.

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