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English translation of digestivo


The Spanish word 'digestivo' translates to 'digestive' in English. It is an adjective often used to describe processes or systems within an organism that relate to the breakdown and absorption of food. It can be used in various contexts, especially in medical and health-related discussions. For instance, the term 'sistema digestivo' refers to the 'digestive system'.

Example sentences using: digestivo

Después de la cena, suelo tomar un licor digestivo.

English translation of Después de la cena, suelo tomar un licor digestivo.

After dinner, I usually have a digestive liquor.

This sentence is used to express a usual habit or routine. It refers to the custom of having a digestif, which is a drink typically consumed after a meal to aid digestion.

El té de menta es un excelente digestivo.

English translation of El té de menta es un excelente digestivo.

Peppermint tea is an excellent digestif.

This example shows how 'digestivo' can be used to describe the digestive properties of certain foods or drinks. In this case, it refers to peppermint tea, which is often consumed for its digestive benefits.

En esta casa, es tradición tomar un digestivo después de comer.

English translation of En esta casa, es tradición tomar un digestivo después de comer.

In this house, it is tradition to have a digestif after eating.

This sentence expresses a tradition or common practice in a household to have a digestif after a meal. 'Digestivo' here refers to a drink consumed after eating to improve digestion.

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