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dientes sanos

English translation of dientes sanos

healthy teeth

The Spanish term 'dientes sanos' translates to 'healthy teeth' in English. This phrase could be used in various contexts, particularly in health or dental care scenarios. When broken down, 'dientes' translates to 'teeth' and 'sano' translates to 'healthy'. Therefore, maintaining 'dientes sanos' would be an objective for someone looking to preserve good oral health.

Example sentences using: dientes sanos

La importancia de mantener los dientes sanos no puede ser subestimada.

English translation of La importancia de mantener los dientes sanos no puede ser subestimada.

The importance of keeping healthy teeth cannot be underestimated.

This sentence emphasizes the important role of maintaining dental health. The use of the Spanish phrase 'no puede ser subestimada' translates to 'cannot be underestimated', showing how significant this topic is.

Es esencial educar a los niños sobre los dientes sanos.

English translation of Es esencial educar a los niños sobre los dientes sanos.

It is essential to educate children about healthy teeth.

This sentence discusses the importance of educating children about dental health. In Spanish, 'es esencial' translates to 'it is essential', which emphasizes the urgency or importance of the action.

Para tener dientes sanos, debes cepillarte dos veces al día.

English translation of Para tener dientes sanos, debes cepillarte dos veces al día.

To have healthy teeth, you should brush twice a day.

This sentence is giving advice about dental hygiene. In Spanish, 'debes' translates to 'you should', indicating a recommendation or important guideline to follow for healthy teeth.

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