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dientes blancos

English translation of dientes blancos

white teeth

The Spanish term 'dientes blancos' translates to 'white teeth' in English. This phrase could be used in contexts such as dental hygiene or aesthetics, referring to the colour and cleanliness of someone's teeth.

Example sentences using: dientes blancos

Mis dientes blancos brillan en la oscuridad.

English translation of Mis dientes blancos brillan en la oscuridad.

My white teeth shine in the dark.

This sentence implies that someone's teeth are so white that they seem to shine or give off light in darkness. This could be used metaphorically or literally, depending on the context.

Ella tiene dientes blancos como perlas.

English translation of Ella tiene dientes blancos como perlas.

She has teeth as white as pearls.

This is a metaphorical statement comparing someone's white teeth to pearls. It is a common analogy in many languages to relate a person's teeth whiteness to pearls, indicating oral hygiene and beauty.

Cepillo mis dientes blancos todos los días.

English translation of Cepillo mis dientes blancos todos los días.

I brush my white teeth every day.

This sentence describes someone's daily hygiene routine, specifically brushing their teeth daily. It emphasizes the person's commitment to oral hygiene and the result of it, which is white teeth.

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